Reiki certification courses

Diploma in Yoga Teacher Training


Premanand Yoga brings yoga sessions in a unique way . We offer a variety of courses to enrich the body, mind and soul. Whether you are a beginner or advanced level yoga practitioner or seeking mental transformation and spiritual evolution .


The syllabus consists of learning unique techniques & concepts of yoga.  Also Detailed Knowledge of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali , aspects of Yoga methods on Asanas | Pranayama | Mudras | Kriyas | Chakras | Meditation with their related benefits , limitations and contraindications the methodology of teaching, anatomy and physiology  Yoga experts theoretically and practically.


Registered with the Central Government of India | Certified with ISO certification 

QCI authorized certificate and Marksheet | Certificate Valid at International level | Yoga Certificate for Level- 1, Level - 2 , Level - 3 | Yoga Certification 200 hrs - 500 hrs 900 hrs | Students can apply for Government and Private Jobs .

200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate

Level  : 1

Duration  : 3 Months 

Course Fee  : Rs.18000/- 

Training Hours : 1 Hrs Practical & Theory

Certification : ISO certification Valid at International level


500 Hrs Diploma Yoga Teacher Training 


Level : 2

Duration : 6 Months 

Course Fee  : Rs.28000/-

Training Hours : 2 Hrs Practical & theory 

Certified : Stress Management & ISO certification Valid at International level


900 Hrs Diploma in Yoga Teacher Training

Level : 3

Duration : 1 Year

Course Fee  : 38000/-

Training Hours : 2 Hrs Practical & theory 

Certification :  Stress Management | Dietitian Certification | Prenatal Yoga | QCI Yoga Marksheet | Government and Internationally valid


Visit in Institue for Best Offers & Discounts EMI option available


Flexible Batches Time Available

From 7.00am to 7.00pm ( 1 hour each batch )

Daily 2 Hours Self Practice Mandatory





200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training Certificate

Level  : 1

Duration  : 3 Months 

Course Fee  : Rs.18000/- 

Training Hours : 1 Hrs Practical & Theory

Certification : ISO certification Valid at International level


Syllabus : Techniques steps , Benefits & side effect


Yoga Introduction

Study of Patanjali Yoga of 8 limbs of Yoga


Stretching & Warm Up

Neck movement | Shoulder movement | Trunk movement | Knee movement Ankle movement


Surya namaskar 

Yogic surya namaskar with mantra (12 steps)


Basic Yogasana 

Kandharasana | Matsyasana | Pawanmuktasana | Naukasana | Crunches  Ardha Halasana | Padvritasan | Dwichakrikasan Makarasana | Bhujangasana | Sarpasana Vipreet Naukasana | Salabhasana | Dhanurasana | Marjariasana


Basic Pranayama 

Bhastrika Pranayam | Kapalbhati Pranayam |Anulom-Vilom Pranayam Bhramari     .            Udgeeth Pranayam ( Om )


Savasana - Yog Nidra


Understanding Basic Mudras with benefits

Gyan Mudra | Vayu Mudra | Akash Mudra | Prithvi Mudra | Varuna Mudra


Variations of Basic Yogasana

Kandharasana | Matsyasana | Pawanmuktasana | Naukasana | Crunches | Ardha Halasana | Padvritasan | Bhujangasana | Sarpasana | Dhanurasana | Marjariasana


Advance Yogasana with breathing techniques

Chakrasana | Vipreet Pawanmuktasana | Sarvangasana | Halasana | Supta vajrasana


Advance Pranayama with breathing techniques 

Shitli Pranayama | Shitkari Pranayama | Ujjayi Pranayama | Suryabhedi Pranayam Chandra Bhedi Pranayam | Bahaya Pranayama | Agnisar Pranayama | Kevali Pranayama


Yoga for Health | Yoga Therapy 

Knowledge of common diseases Their prevention and management by yoga

Meaning and Definition of Health Promotion and role of yoga in health promotion like Obesity Diabetes Blood Pressure Asthma Migraines Spondylitis Slip Disc Sinus Knee Pain Heart Disease Thyroid Vertigo Cholesterol Insomnia Arthritis


Basic Diet plan


Teaching Skills Method of Teaching Yoga

Preparation for yoga session - Before and During session Teaching Role of language Explanation Body language in presentation Method of teaching yoga to different groups beginners youngsters senior citizen children & special cases


500 Hrs Diploma Yoga Teacher Training 


Level : 2

Duration : 6 Months 

Course Fee  : Rs.28000/-

Training Hours : 2 Hrs Practical & theory 

Certified : Stress Management & ISO certification Valid at International level


Syllabus :  Techniques Steps Benefits & Side effect


Anatomy : Introduction of Human Body 


Explanation of Basic structure and functions of Skeletal Muscular System Cardiovascular System Nervous | System Lymphatic System | Respiratory  system Digestive System | Urinary System | Reproductive System | Exocrine glands and Endocrine glands | Function and anatomy of sensory system organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin)


Power Yoga with breathing

Purvottanasana | Utthita Shishosana | Bhekasana | Vasistha Sana | Karnapidasana Sirsasana | Padma Sarvangasana | Kapotasana | Hanumanasana Mayurasana 


Advance Mudras

Prana Mudra | Apana Mudra | Anjali Mudra | Brahma Mudra | Bhairava mudra


Seating poses 

Singhasan | Mandukasana |  Ustrasana | Parvatasana | Eka pada Rajakapotasana             Ardha Urdhva Upavistha | Konasana | Urdhva Upavistha Konasana | Gomukhasana            Akarna Dhanurasana | Parighasana | Krounchasana | Matsyendrasana | Namaskar |        Marichyasana | Janu Shirshasana | Paschimottanasana | Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana 1         Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana 2 Dwi hasta bhujangasana Tolasana


Standing poses 

Tadasana | Padahastasana | Utkatasana | Parivrtta Utkatasana | Virabhadrasana 1  Viparita trikonasana | Virabhadrasana - 2 | Utthita Parsvakonasana  | Virabhadrasana-3 Utthita parsvakonasana | Ardha Chandrasana | Trikonasana  Namaskar Parsvakonasana Prasarita padangusthasana | Natarajasana | Konasan |  Garudasana | Utthita  Padangusthasana Sush |  Padahastasana | Parsvottanasana



Introduction of Meditation | Body awareness and breath awareness |                          Technique for Bahya dyan  (With open eyes) | Technique for Antrik Dhyan with                             closed eyes 




900 Hrs Diploma in Yoga Teacher Training

Level : 3

Duration : 1 Year

Course Fee  : 38000/-

Training Hours : 2 Hrs Practical & theory 

Certification :  Stress Management | Dietitian Certification | Prenatal Yoga | QCI Yoga Marksheet | Government and Internationally valid




Yoga Philosophy 

Principles and Practice of Hatha yoga | Raja yoga | Karma yoga | Bhakti  yoga Jnana yoga | Tantra yoga | Introduction and Principles of Ashtanga Yoga


Demonstration of Bandha 

Jalandhara Bandha | Mula Bandha | Uddiyana Bandha


Demonstration of Chakras

Sahasrara Chakra | Ajna Chakra | Vishuddha Chakra | Anahata Chakra | Manipura  Chakra | Svadhisthana  Chakra | Muladhara  Chakra


Yogic Shat Kriya

Kapalabhati (Vatakarma) | Trataka | Neti | Dhauti | Nauli | Vasti 


Pregnancy yoga

Signs of pregnancy | Explanation of  First Trimester | Second Trimester | Third  Trimester Prenatal yoga safety guideline | Postnatal Yoga Introduction | Postnatal  Yoga safety guidelines | Postnatal Yoga Workout | Postnatal Yoga Diet |  Miscarriage


Vinyasa Yoga

 Introduction and Meaning of Vinyasa Yoga | Division of Asanas in Vinyasa



Yogasana combination of traditional yoga | Hatha yoga  and Vinyasa yoga



Role of  Fats | Protein | Vitamins & Minerals | Carbohydrate | Fiber | Calcium    Electrolytes | Calories in human body | Role of water in human body | Diet  according to Health Diseases like Diabetes | Blood pressure | Sinus | Thyroid | Asthma Obesity | Cholesterol | Heart disease | Insomnia