Utthita Parsvakonasana

Utthita Parsvakonasana



How to do Utthita Parsvakonasana

  1. Start with Tadasana. This means start with standing straight with feet adjacent to each other and palms facing outward.

  2. Exhale and separate your feet to about three feet apart.

  3. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and rest them to your sides. You will be standing with your feet apart, shoulders wide, and palms down your side palm down.

  4. Now inhale and slowly bend your left knee over the left ankle so that the shin is perpendicular to the ground.

  5. The left thigh also is now parallel to the floor. Your right leg is straight and stretched from hip to ankle.

  6. Now, in this position, slowly extend your right arm above your head on your left side. The palm should be facing the floor and it should be straight. The arm should also touch your right ear.

  7. Slowly turn your face inward and look at the palm. Your other arm should be touching the ankle of the left leg without taking support of the shoulder or the ankle. The aim is to stretch as much of the right side as possible.

  8. While inhaling and exhaling, push the extended arm forcefully towards the ceiling. Do this a few times and then slowly come back to the starting position.

  9. Now repeat this with the right leg.

Benefits of Utthita Parsvakonasana

  1. Strengthens and stretches the legs, ankles and knees.

  2. Increases flexibility in the shoulders.

  3. Works the core muscles.

  4. Opens the chest.

  5. Cure knee pain.

  6. Reduces extra fat from waist area.

  7. Makes spine flexible and pain free.



  1. Do not practice any Asana OR Pranayama in which you don’t feel comfortable.

  2. Do not over do the exercises if you feel pain in your body.

  3. Start exercises mildly and then increase the repetitions as per your capacity.

  4. People suffering from Back pain, Slip disc OR chronic disease should only practice Yoga and other exercises under the expert supervision otherwise do not do it.

  5. Pregnant women should only practice Yoga and other exercises only under the supervision of an expert otherwise do not practice any exercise by watching videos or website material.

  6. People who suffer from high blood pressure should not raise their arms overhead,

  7. Avoid this asana if you are suffering from headache and insomnia