


How to do Sukhasana?


Sukhasana is a basic seated yoga posture

It can be simply sat in a crossed leg position.


(Practice it for 15 minutes daily)


Benefits of doing Sukhasana


1. heightened productivity.

2. Increased flexibility.

3. Improved circulation.

4. Improved digestion.

5. Promotes confidence & inner calm.

6. Amplifies the state of serenity, tranquility, and

 eliminates anxiety.




Do not practice any Asana OR Pranayama in which you don’t feel comfortable.

Do not over do the exercises if you feel pain in your body.

Start exercises mildly and then increase the repetitions as per your capacity.

People suffering from Back pain, Slip disc OR chronic disease should only practice Yoga and other exercises under the expert supervision otherwise do not do it.

Pregnant women should only practice Yoga under the supervision of an expert otherwise do not practice any exercise by watching videos or website material.