


Steps to do


  1. Lower your jaw and open your mouth as wide as possible

  2. Stretch your tongue out and curl its tip down toward your chin

  3. Open your eyes wide, looking upward

  4. Focus your eyes in between your eyebrows or on the tip of your nose

  5. Contract the muscles at the front of your throat

  6. Activate your hands, splaying your fingers further out

Benefits of Simhasana

  1. The practitioner develops a beautiful and sonorous voice. It helps to solve many voice related problems.

  2. It helps in cases of stuttering.

  3. It relieves tension in the chest and the facial muscles and makes the face look young. Steady breathing in this position helps the chest and the abdomen.

  4. In the yogic text Gheranda Samhita, Simhasana is described as the destroyer of all diseases.

  5. Beneficial in thyroid problems.


1. Do not practice any Asana OR Pranayama in which you don’t feel comfortable.

2. Do not over do the exercises if you feel pain in your body.

3. Start exercises mildly and then increase the repetitions as per your capacity.

4. People suffering from Back pain, Slip disc OR chronic disease should only practice Yoga and other exercises under the expert supervision otherwise do not do it.

5. Pregnant women should only practice Yoga and other exercises only under the supervision

of an expert otherwise do not practice any exercise by watching videos or website material.


6. People who suffer from high blood pressure should not raise their arms overhead,

7. Avoid this asana if you are suffering from headache and insomnia