Heart Disease




What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is also known as cardiovascular disease. The disease refers to any default in the cardiovascular system of a person from various factors. The heart plays important role in our body which pumps the blood throughout the blood vessels continuously. The most common type of heart disease is Coronary artery disease which begins due to blockage in heart arteries as a result of reduce blood flow and can proceed to heart attack OR Heart failure.

There are different type of heart problem


  1. Coronary Artery Disease

  2. Irregular heart rhythm.

  3. Enlarged heart

  4. Heart attack

  5. Heart valve disease.



How a person gets Heart Disease?


Below are the various factors that causes heart disease –


  • Smoking

  • Diabetes

  • High or low blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

  • Genetics

  • lack of Physical activity OR exercise

  • Overweight

  • Unhealthy diet

  • Stress & Depression


Symptoms of heart problems


  1. Chest pain or angina.

  2. Feeling fullness, indigestion.

  3. Feeling heaviness, pressure and burning in chest.

  4. Fast and irregular heartbeats.

  5. Shortness in breath.

  6. Faint.

  7. Sweating.


How Yoga cures Heart Disease?


Yoga can helps in lowering the blood pressure, increasing lung capacity, improving respiratory function and heart rate, and boost circulation and muscle tone. It can also improve your overall well-being while offering strength-building benefits.


Yoga helps to cure Diabetes, blood pressure, stress, cholesterol, overweight and so on which are some of the main factors behind heart disease.

Pranayama and Yoga Asanas will help in


  1. Removing the negative energy and toxins from the body and will give positive energy.

  2. Pranayama helps in improving the blood circulation which is important for the heart to pump properly.

  3. Cures anxiety and depression.

  4. Pranayama helps calming the mind

  5. Pranayama releases stress and depression.

  6. Remove artery blockages.


Best Pranayama for heart disease


  1. Bhastrika Pranayama ( 30 - 70 times )

  2. Anulom Vilom & ardh Anulom vilom pranayam ( 40 - 60 times )

  3. Bhramari & Udgeeth Pranayama ( 5 times each )

  4. Kapalbhati Pranayam under moderate speed ( 200 - 500 times )


Yoga Asanas for heart disease


  1. Kamarchakrasana ( 10 times )

  2. Kandharasana ( 10 times )

  3. Pavanamuktasana ( 10 times )

  4. Shavasana ( 5 - 10 mins daily )




1.Do not pratice any Asan OR Pranayam in which you don’t feel comfortable.

2.Do not over do the exercises if you feel pain in your body.

3.Start exercises mildly and then increase the repetitions as per your capacity.

4.People suffering from Back pain,Slip disc OR chronic disease should only practise Yoga and other exercises under the expert supervision otherwise do not do it.

5.Pregnant women should only practise Yoga and other exercises only under the supervision of an expert otherwise do not practise any exercise by watching videos or website material.